When Las Vegas was in­cor­po­rated in the mid-1900s, prop­erty own­ers were able to opt-out, so the bound­aries are con­vo­luted and com­plex, and many holes ex­ist through­out. Yet the United States Post Office al­lows prop­er­ties in un­in­cor­po­rated Clark County to use Las Vegas in their mail­ing ad­dress, which re­sults in con­fu­sion when cit­i­zens re­quest ser­vices from the City only to dis­cover that they aren’t cov­ered.

Upon learn­ing this, we de­cided we could quickly cre­ate an Am I In Las Vegas?” ap­pli­ca­tion. Our so­lu­tion dif­fers from ex­ist­ing tools on the City web­site which are buried in ob­scure lo­ca­tions or re­quire some pro­gram­ming knowl­edge. It is a vi­sual in­ter­face, works on mo­bile, and can use a cur­rent lo­ca­tion or an ad­dress in­put, so that any user can eas­ily see if they are ei­ther cur­rently in Las Vegas, or any prop­erty that they are in­ter­ested in.