Lou Huang

it's me

About me

I build user in­ter­faces and open source tools for cities and civic en­gage­ment.

A long time ago I was a pro­fes­sional ar­chi­tect and ur­ban de­signer. These days, I write a lot of code for the Internet. Most of the time, I’m work­ing on Streetmix. Other times, I work on cre­ative pro­jects un­der the ban­ner of the Bad Idea Factory. You can usu­ally find me in Philadelphia, but I en­joy trav­el­ing every­where in the world.


This web­site is built with Eleventy and de­ployed on Netlify. Typefaces are Neue DIN and Piazzolla. Emoji by OpenMoji. Design and cover pho­tos by me!