
I blog in­fre­quently nowa­days, but I still have a small col­lec­tion of oc­cas­sional ram­blings, some of which have been ported from my old spot at Tumblr.

Games fin­ished in 2024

Every game I rolled cred­its on in one year.


It is not far in the fu­ture, and you are about to or­der a pizza in the smartest city in the world, where you live.

Universal Translator FAQ

The un­of­fi­cial guide Starfleet does­n’t want you to see.

The veil of ig­no­rance

Doctor Who meets John Rawls.

Vapid pro­to­typ­ing

Formula re­tail, the only branch of ar­chi­tec­ture that gets user re­search right.

This blog is also avail­able as an Atom (RSS) feed.