
A cu­rated di­rec­tory and a work in progress.


Good friends, for­mer col­leagues, and other cool peo­ple I’ve met at least once or twice, who have cul­ti­vated their own dig­i­tal spaces, ex­press­ing them­selves in an au­then­tic or in­ter­est­ing way (and you should too).

Seriously, make your own web­site.


Apps and ser­vices should work well, with­out a preda­tory busi­ness model, made by teams that take care of them­selves and their users. The longer they’ve been around, and the more re­silient they are, the bet­ter. Here are a few I de­pend on reg­u­larly.

(None of these are spon­sors.)


Organizations that cre­ate, dis­cuss, and en­ter­tain through sound and video.


Organizations that pub­lish, re­port, and in­spire through words.


I’m based in Philadelphia, so these links might not be rel­e­vant to you un­less you’re al­ready liv­ing here or are plan­ning a visit, but lo­cal re­sources do mat­ter for great cities. There are a lot of good or­ga­ni­za­tions here, and these are a few that are im­por­tant to me.


Just some other things I liked.