Vapid prototyping
Earlier this year Mike Migurski posted some notes from Stewart Brand’s excellent How Buildings Learn series, which I recently watched in its entirety. (I still have not finished the book.)
All of Brand’s thesis resonates deeply with me as a software and architecture guy (not software architecture, a completely different thing), and it’s a humbling reminder that these were thoughts from the 1990s, yet meanwhile industry, media, and most academia are still running with the Randian myth of an architect as a supreme intelligent Creator whose sacred designs must never yield to change, not ever. Which hasn’t worked since the very dawn of time: after six straight all-nighters, God finished inventing the Universe and declared that it looked pretty good to him, then probably regretted ever starting the project because he had to spend the rest of his life dealing with tenants who immediately messed with it.
In this analogous comparison between technology and the built environment, my own white whale has been to convince the architecture industry to do more “post-occupancy evaluation,” which is more-or-less known as “user experience research” in the agile technology / lean startup world. The idea is somewhat of a compromise between inevitable, undesigned change and forced preservation; assuming things adapt in the future to the needs of its users or inhabitants, we can and should bring that into the domain of the architect. So there is a concerted effort on the part of the building’s design team to bridge the gap between their design and its intent, a reasonable spot to be in if you want a creative professional to be proud of the value they provide to the world, and not just let things just sort-of-happen by chance. To get there, they must test their product with inhabitants, make qualitative (and quantitative) judgments on how wide or narrow that gap is, and then modify the product over time, and repeat the process until everyone is satisfied. Like true user research. Unfortunately, this never happens.
I started talking about it a bit, in response to Mike, on a top-secret civic technology mailing list used by Code for America to organize a plan for world domination (months before moving all the discussion over to Slack):
“Post-occupancy evaluation” (that’s architect-speak for “user research”) has been taught in schools for decades but rarely ever practiced in real life because property owners don’t want to pay for it.
There are physical limitations that make it hard to iterate on a building the way you do with code, so even the fastest iterative process is slower by an order of magnitude, but I also used to design coffee shops — a lot of coffeeshops, for the same brand, so they could easily learn from one store and build the next one differently. It’s a bit of an irony that while formula retail tends to get a bad rap, it just happens they’re some of the only major architecture clients that actually measure and learn from the interaction their customers have with their spaces.
Mike’s response:
I don’t think the “post occupancy” term has come up, but the concept has come up a bunch of times. There’ve been interviews with architects in the US and Netherlands who seem to pay attention to their buildings post-construction. I don’t think the lack of this is a failure of architects btw, but a failure of how they’re hired and funded. Lots of close analogies to what we talk about with government here, with obvious parallels to procurement and
Lou, say more about the coffee shops.
I totally failed to pick up that ball and run with it, but I think I can get to a first down by continuing some thoughts on a blog with very low readership (this one).
I’ll get to the coffee shops again in a second, but a quick comment on the broken hiring and funding process for architecture: ZURB recently published a post about how Silicon Valley is killing the design agency, which isn’t really talking about architects and urban planners at all, but I think is very much related. For one thing, most architecture firms are run like creative agencies, with low margins on client work, and not a lot of product stewardship. If I haven’t already touched on how terrible this is for built environments in this blog or elsewhere, it will certainly be a recurring theme in other things I say.
Now let’s talk about coffee shops. Or, formula retail generally.
Formula retail projects get to be different from one-off architecture projects as a business model, because it makes a neat compromise between paying for a single bespoke item versus paying the same amount for a whole bunch of very similar items. In other words, there’s an economy of scale that starts to exist when your initial prototypes aren’t discarded. Instead, these prototypes can be deployed anyway, because your product isn’t a single website that anyone in the world can reach, it’s a physical location only a small audience can visit, so the only way to reach more of your demographic is to build more of those things in other places.
In Emeryville, there is a Peet’s Coffee (so yeah, that’s the chain I worked with) that was a pretty radical prototype. It was an experiment to focus most of its retail space on beans sales rather than drinks-to-go. We went through a ton of back-and-forth iterations (paper prototyping, kinda), and eventually built a real life prototype to operate as a real store. After a year or so of measuring customer interactions it was deemed a failure. Customers were confused by the kiosks, walked right past it, and ordered drinks as they were expected to do. The market for beans sales just wasn’t there. It was an experiment for Peet’s, one that I think taught them some really important lessons about their customers. But they didn’t scuttle and replace that store. It’s still operating in Emeryville, a remnant in time of that experiment.
It’s a notable example because I can pick on it, and you can see it, but what’s less visible is the iterations that we did on the formula that you would never see otherwise, unless they were side by side. Like visiting a page on a day by day basis from the Internet Wayback Machine, changes happened subtly and unevenly over time, but across different stores in sometimes wildly disparate physical locations. You might not be able to tell the difference between the Peet’s in Redwood City and the one in Concord. But I could walk any Peet’s designed in the last decade and tell you approximately what year it was built. The clues are in how certain pieces of furniture are constructed, whether some pieces were there or some newer ones were plugged in, how we laid tile, the colors of the walls, the kind of waterproof material used behind the bar, the shape of the bar itself, and the arrangement of certain pieces of equipment. To name a few.
It’s because formula retail gives us one thing in the built environment that most other architecture projects cannot: redeployability.
The very derided nature of its cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-most design style is the exactly the kind of rapid experimentation that lets Peet’s architects A/B test their product and make modifications from one store opening to next month’s store opening. Each Peet’s is not an individual product, but rather, all Peet’s are a single product, with many instances deployed from various locations in its Git history. And it fits so well into the business model of expanding stores into new markets that one forgets they’re doing any user research at all.
This is not unique to Peet’s, of course. Retail psychology and tweaking spaces to influence consumer behavior is a well-trod business and marketing subject matter. Any major chain does it. But no one sat down and said, “I know, I’ll do X!” and instantly perfected their formula–at least, I’d doubt anyone got it right the first try. That chain got there by relentless user research, collecting metrics and experimentation. Then they put together a living style guide, growing as economies and tastes change. Next, they scaled up, redeploying instances as far as they could throw them.
So that’s how user research, rapid prototyping and iterative project development happens in architecture, an industry that generally is service-oriented rather than product-oriented. But it’s a little perverse, if you think about it: that the only way to focus on your users is by figuring out how to fit it into a business model based on an economy of scale. The research is driven by profit seeking to the extent that it only benefits executives and shareholders financially; customer experience is improved because it helps you part with your money easier, and we never managed to achieve any sort of concern for the employee experience as well. I had a store manager plead with me to do something about their complete lack of counter space, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it.
So there is still a long ways to go.